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Ko'aga Roñe'eta is an on-line journal of human rights and humanitarian law. It collects the analytical works of human rights organizations, professionals, academics, students and activists and makes them available on-line to the global community. Our aim is to provide human rights workers all over the world with information and views not easily or cheaply available though other means.

Ko'aga is a joint publication of Equipo Nikzor and Derechos Human Rights. Its principal languages are Spanish and English, though manuscripts in other languages are accepted. We publish original works and those that have appeared in other publications of limited distribution. Ko'aga is divided into nine thematic series, within each series articles are organized by volumes representing sub-topics. Most volumes are open-ended and articles are added when they become available. Volumes gathering proceedings of conferences, however, only include the papers presented there.

We hope Ko'aga will be of use to you, and we invite you to both read it and collaborate with articles.

About the Editors
Copyright and Use Information
Getting articles in paper and other formats
How to cite articles in Ko'aga

Article Requirementes
Format Requirements
Terms for publishing in Ko'aga

What does Ko'aga Roñe'eta mean?
How much does Ko'aga cost?

Can I get Ko'aga by e-mail?


The Ko'aga Roñe'eta web site was designed by Digital Mythos. The Editors thank DMythos for all their work with this web site.


About the Editors

Ko'aga Roñe'eta is a joint publication of Equipo Nizkor and Derechos Human Rights. It is published exclusively on the world wide web, and it physically resides in a computer in California. Its Editors are Margarita Lacabe and Gregorio Dionis.

Copyright and Use Information

Unless otherwise specified, the copyright of each articles published in Ko'aga Roñe'eta resides with its author.

Readers are authorized to make electronic or paper copies of articles for personal use. Articles can be distributed for academic or human rights activist use, but the integrity of the articles must be kept and it must be properly attributed. Please, let Ko'aga Roñe'eta know of any non-trivial distribution. The re-publication of any article in paper or in electronic form, and in any web, gopher or ftp site, or newsgroups or distribution list requires written authorization from the Editors of Ko'aga.

Getting copies in paper and other formats

If you are interested in getting paper copies of articles published in Ko'aga Roñe'eta, or if you would like copies to be e-mailed to you or be sent to you by diskette, please write to [email protected]. Please indicate the name of the article, its author, the series and volume number and its url. Articles are available in Word Perfect 6.1 por Windows 95 format. If you would like then in another format, please indicate which. A nominal amount may be charged to cover copying and mailing costs.

How to Cite Articles in Ko'aga

Artilces in Ko'aga can be cited as: Ko'aga Roņe'eta, se.xx v.xx (date), where se. means series number, and v. volume number. The date is that when the article was originally published. At the foot of each articles, there is a suggested citation.


Article Requierements

Ko'aga Roñe'eta accepts for publication analytical articles that explore the subject of human rights or intenational humanitarian law. Ko'aga also accepts reviews of books or publications on the subject. We will only consider material submitted by its original author for publication. The articles must be preferably in English or Spanish, though articles in other languages may also be submitted. The Editors reserve the right to accept, reject or ask for changes in any articles sent. Articles may be submitted to a pannel of experts before being accepted for publication.

Format Requirements

Articles may be submitted in the following manner:

a)By e-mail in MIME ecoded files to [email protected]. You may also be able to upload programs through anonyous ftp, if you want to use this methos, please write for instructions on how to do it.

b)By post, in diskette or paper. Send Spanish language articles to: Apartado de Correo 15116 - 28080 Madrid - Espaņa and English and other language articles to: 3205 San Mateo St. #1, Richmond, CA 94804, USA. Printed articles must be in US Legal or DN4 format.

Articles must be no shorter than 5 pages and no longer than 50 pages, the author(s) must be clearly identified. Shorter or longer articles must be pre-approved, please write to Ko'aga Roñe'eta. Each article must be accompnaied by a letter signed by each author indicating his authorship and authorizing Ko'aga Roñe'eta to publish the paper according to the terms indicated here.


The Editors reserve the right to publish any article they receive. Articles not accepted for publication will not be returned, unless a stamped self-addressed envelope is included with the article. No explanations will be offered as to why manuscripts are rejected.

The Editors may, at their discretion, translate the totality of the work to other languages, publish it in languages other than the original or publish it in other media.


What does Ko'aga Roñe'eta mean?

Ko'aga Roñe'eta is a guarani phrase (the language spoken by indigenous cultures from Paraguay) that means: "Now we will speak". It denotes our commitment to denounce human rights violations, to discuss the issues surrounding human rights, and to find solutions. It also pays homage to the book of the same title published by one of the first Truth Comissions, which investigated the repression of Agrarian Leages in Paraguay in 1976-78.

How much does Ko'aga Cost?

Ko'aga is free for all its readers at the www. However, a nominal ammount may be charged for copies of articles in formats other than html.

Can you get Ko'aga by e-mail?

Currently articles in Ko'aga are only available in the www. If you need to, you may request articles in WP 6.1. format by writing to [email protected]