- El presidente de Kosovo, acusado de crímenes de guerra y de lesa humanidad
Por Imane Rachidi, El Mundo, Madrid, 24jun20
- Le président kosovar accusé de crimes de guerre par la justice internationale
Arte tv, Afp, Paris, 25jun20 [FRA]
- Kosovo president, 9 others indicted on war crimes charges
By Zenel Zhinipotoku and Llazar Semini, AP, The Spokesman-Review, Washington,
24Jun20 [ENG]
- Kosovo president indicted for war crimes
By Samuel Osborne, The Independent, London, 24Jun20 [ENG]
- Kosovo president, 9 other ex-separatist fighters indicted on war crimes charges
By Bradford Betz, Fox News, New York, 24Jun20 [ENG]
- Kosovo President Is Indicted for War Crimes for Role in War With Serbia
By Patrick Kingsley and Gerry Mullany, The New York Times, Berlin, 24Jun20 [ENG]
- Rusia considera la detención de empleados de la ONU un desprecio al derecho internacional
Sputnik News, Belgrado, 03jun19
- Le diplomate russe de l'Onu arrêté par le Kosovo a été libéré
Sputnik News, Moscú, 28may19 [FRA]
- Les forces armées serbes sur le pied de guerre en raison d'arrestations de Serbes au Kosovo
Sputnik News, Moscú, 28may19 [FRA]
- Washington lanza una seria amenaza a Kosovo
Sputnik News, Rossiyskaya Gazeta, Mosc�, 08ene18
- Ramush Haradinaj libéré en France, la Russie dénonce le deux poids deux mesures
Sputnik News, Moscou, 27avr17 [FRA]
- La justice fran�aise rel�che un Kosovar, criminel de guerre présumé
putnik News, Moscou, 13jan17 [FRA]
- La Serbie réclame l'extradition de l'ex-premier ministre kosovar
Sputnik News, Moscou, 05jan17 [FRA]
- Kosovo Feels the Pressure Over New War Court
By Petrit Collaku, Balkan Transitional Justice, Birn, Pristina, 28Dec15 [ENG]
- Under Western pressure, Kosovo to put war crimes court to new vote
By Fatos Bytyci, Reuters, Pristina, 31Jul15 [ENG]
- Kosovo Govt Prepares New War Crimes Court Vote
By Una Hajdari, Balkan Insight, BIRN, Pristina, 30Jul15 [ENG]
- Britain Increases Pressure for Kosovo War Court
By Petrit Collaku, Balkan Insight, BIRN, Pristina, 21Jul15 [ENG]
- Kosovo MPs to Vote 'Soon' on Special Court
By Rron Gjinovci, BIRN, Pristina, 17Jul15 [ENG]
- Kosovo government gives assurances regarding court for KLA crimes
Tanjug Serbian news agency, 14Jul15 [ENG]
- The six paradoxes of Kosovo's special court
By Andrea Lorenzo Capussela, Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso (OBC), Rovereto, Italy, 01Jul15 [ENG]
- Kosovo paper says war crimes court requires constitutional amendments
By Koha Ditore, Pristina, Albania, 30Jun15 [ENG]
- US Warns Kosovo of Consequences after Failed War Crimes Vote
ABC News, The Associated Press, 27Jun15 [ENG]
- Kosovo Vote on New War Crimes Court Fails
By Petrit Collaku, Balkan Insight, BIRN, Pristina, 26Jun15 [ENG]
- 40 Kosovo Ex-Guerrillas Still Wanted by Serbia
By Una Hajdari, Balkan Insight, BIRN, Pristina, 26Jun15 [ENG]
- Kosovo MPs, pundits oppose law on financial support for war crimes defendants
By Koha Ditore, Pristina, Albania, 23Jun15 [ENG]
- Kosovo Postpones Vote on Wartime Crime Court
By Marija Ristic and Petrit Collaku, Balkan Transitional Justice, Birn, Pristina, 29May15 [ENG]
- Kosovo constitutional court approves new war crimes tribunal
By Petrit Collaku, Balkan Transitional Justice, Birn, Pristina, 15Apr15 [ENG]
- Rusia insiste en que los culpables de tráfico de órganos en Kosovo deben ser castigados
Ria Novosti, Moscú, 30jul14
- Rusia abre una causa penal por tráfico de órganos humanos en Kósovo
Ria Novosti, Moscú, 19feb13
- Israel confirma la detención de un sospechoso por el tráfico de órganos en Kosovo
Ria Novosti, Tel Aviv, 29may12
- OTAN impidió al Tribunal para la ex Yugoslavia investigar el tráfico de órganos en Kosovo y Albania según prensa
Ria Novosti, Moscú, 01feb12
- Serbia pushes for UN inquiry into alleged organ harvesting in Kosovo
By Spencer Kimball, AFP and AP, Deutsche Welle, 13May11 [ENG]
- Marty requests answers from EULEX.
B92, Belgrade, 05Feb11 [ENG]
- Serbian PM wants 'truth' over organ-harvesting allegations.
Eurobserver, Brussels, 31Jan11 [ENG]
- Kosovo and Albania: Dirty Work in the Balkans: NATO's KLA Frankenstein.
Centre for Research on Globalization, 28Jan11 [ENG]
- PACE to Debate Three More Resolutions.
Tanjug News Agency, B92, Strasbourg, 26Jan11 [ENG]
- Resolution Adopted by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on the Inhuman Treatment of People and Illicit Trafficking in Human Organs in Kosovo.
Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Strasbourg, 25Jan11 [ENG]
- Debate of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on the Adoption of the Resolution based on Dick Marty's Report on Illegal Organ Traffickign in Kosovo.
Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Strasbourg, 25Jan11 [ENG]
- Report reignites Kosovo organ trafficking claim.
Mark Lowen, BBC, 25Jan11 [ENG]
- "Thaci could testify at KLA trial".
B92, 20Jan11 [ENG]
- EU takes first steps on probe into Marty organ-trafficking report.
Andrew Rettman, Eurobserver, Brussels, 19Jan11 [ENG]
- EU urged to ask Thaci to step down over organized crime allegations.
Earth Times, Brussels, 14Jan11 [ENG]
- Kosovo, Albania seek investigation into organ crime report.
Fatos Bytyci and Benet Koleka, Reuters, Pristina/Tirana, 13Jan11 [ENG]
- Kosovo PM pleads innocence, as organ trafficking scandal simmers.
Ekrem Krasniqi and Andrew Reitman, Eurobserver, 10Jan11 [ENG]
- Kosovo Ex-Army commanders charged of War Crimes.
Tamil Daily News, 08Jan11 [ENG]
- "Fascist occupation of Kosovo continues".
Tanjug News Agency, B92, 06Jan11 [ENG]
- Criminal Kosovo: America's Gift to Europe.
Diana Johnstone, Centre for Research on Globalization, 01Jan11 [ENG]
- Indictment filed in major organized crime case
European Union Rule of Law Mission (EULEX), Pristina, 28Dec10 [ENG]
- Thaci's Regime of Butchers and Europe's Moral Weakness.
Anna Filimonova, Strategic Culture Foundation Online Journal, 23Dec10 [ENG]
- Kosovo: Europe's Mafia State. Hub of the EU-NATO Drug Trail.
Tom Burghardt, Centre for Research on Globalization, 22Dec10 [ENG]
- No More Lies About the Caucasus or Kosovo.
Dmitry Kosyrev, RIA Novosti, 21Dec10 [ENG]
- Stakes Getting Higher in the Game Around Kosovo.
Pyotr Iskenderov, Strategic Cultural Foundation, 20Dec10 [ENG]
- Closing Arguments in KLA War Crimes Case.
B92, Belgrade, 16Dec10 [ENG]
- Del Ponte calls for international inquiry into Kosovo organ harvesting.
Michael Montgomery, Center for Investigative Reporting, 16Dec10 [ENG]
- Kosovo and the myth of liberal intervention.
Neil Clark, The Guardian, 15Dec10 [ENG]
- PACE Recognizes Serbs' Plight.
The Voice of Russia, 15Dec10 [ENG]
- PACE Set to Discuss Marty Document.
Tanjug News Agency, B92, Belgrade, 15Dec10 [ENG]
- Report Details KLA Organ Snatching Ring in Albania.
Benet Koleka, Reuters, Tirana, 15Dec10 [ENG]
- Dick Marty's Report to the Council of Europe's Parliamentary Assembly on the Inhuman Treatment of People and Illicit Trafficking in Human Organs in Kosovo.
Parliamentary Assembly, Council of Europe, provisional version, 12Dec10 [ENG]
- Horrors of KLA prison camps revealed.
Michael Montgomery, BBC, 10Apr09 [ENG]
- Asesinado a tiros en Kosovo un l�der de la minor�a serbokosovar
Rep�blica de las ideas, Efe, Madrid, 16ene18
- Serbia expects Russia to act as mediator to resolve Kosovo issue
Itar Tass, Moscow, 20Dec17 [ENG]
- Informe sobre las operaciones de la Fuerza Internacional de Seguridad en Kosovo (abr.-jun. 2017)
Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas, S/2017/707, 14ago17
- Report to the United Nations on the operations of the Kosovo Force (Apr.-Jun. 2017)
United Nations Security Council, S/2017/707, 14Aug17 [ENG]
- Rapport sur les opérations de la Force internationale de sécurité au Kosovo (avr.-juin 2017)
Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies, S/2017/707, 14aoû17 [FRA]
- Доклад об операциях Сил для Косово, представляемый Организации Объединенных
Организация Объединенных Наций, Совет Безопасности, S/2017/707, 14авг17 [RUS]
- Un responsable de Daech éliminé en Syrie aurait travaillé pour l'Otan
Sputnik News, Moscou, 03juil17 [FRA]
- Un drone estadounidense mató a uno de los jefes del ISIS
Clarín, Ansa, Bs As, 08jun17
- Colapsa el gobierno de Kosovo, territorio no reconocido
Sputnik News, Moscú, 10may17
- �Por qué las tropas alemanas se retiran de Kosovo?
Sputnik News, Moscú, 21abr17
- Kosovo: adieu, l'Occident, bonjour, l'islam radical!
Sputnik News, Moscou, 04mar17 [FRA]
- Kosovo asks EU and US for help after 'acts of aggression' from Serbia
The Guardian, Ap, London, 19Jan17 [ENG]
- 'It's the Crimea model': Kosovo accuses Serbia of seeking to annex province
By Adam Taylor, The Washington Post, 17Jan17 [ENG]
- Le train Belgrade-Kosovo stoppé, �convulsions de l'administration sortante US�
Sputnik News, Moscou, 15jan17 [FRA]
- Informe del Secretario General sobre la Misión de Administración Provisional de las Naciones Unidas en Kosovo (jul.-oct. 2016)
Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas, S/2016/901, 26oct16
- Report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (Jul.-Oct. 2016)
United Nations Security Council, S/2016/901, 26Oct16 [ENG]
- Rapport du Secrétaire général sur la Mission d'administration intérimaire des Nations Unies au Kosovo (juil.-oct. 2016)
Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies, S/2016/901, 26oct16 [FRA]
- Доклад Генерального секретаря о Миссии Организации Объединенных Наций по
делам временной администрации в Косово (июл.-окт.16)
Организация Объединенных Наций, Совет Безопасности, S/2016/901, 26окт16 [RUS]
- ISIL-Linked Kosovo Hacker Sentenced to 20 Years in Prison
DOJ, National Security Division (NSD), USAO - Virginia, Eastern, 23Sep16 [ENG]
- Informe de la OTAN sobre las operaciones de la Fuerza de Kosovo (abr.-jun. 2016)
Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas, S/2016/709, 15ago16
- NATO Report to the United Nations on Kosovo Force operations (Apr.-Jun. 2016)
United Nations Security Council, S/2016/709, 15Aug16 [ENG]
- Rapport de l'OTAN sur les opérations de la Force internationale de sécurité au Kosovo (avr.-juin 2016)
Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies, S/2016/709, 15aoû16 [FRA]
- Доклад об операциях Сил для Косово, представляемый Организации Объединенных
Наций (апр.-июн. 2016)
Организация Объединенных Наций, Совет Безопасности, S/2016/709, 15авг16 [RUS]
- Kosovo podría ser el primer "estado bajo el control de la OTAN" de la historia
Sputnik News, Moscú, 24may16
- How Kosovo Was Turned Into Fertile Ground for ISIS
By Carlotta Gall, The News York Times, Pristina, 21May16 [ENG]
- Informe de la OTAN a las Naciones Unidas sobre las operaciones de la Fuerza de Kosovo (ene.-mar.16)
Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas, S/2016/459, 19may16
- NATO Report to the United Nations on the operations of the Kosovo Force (Jan.-Mar.16)
United Nations Security Council, S/2016/459, 19May16 [ENG]
- Rapport de l'OTAN sur les opérations de la Force internationale de sécurité au Kosovo (jan.-mar.16)
Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies, S/2016/459, 19mai16 [FRA]
- Доклад об операциях Сил для Косово, представляемый Организации Объединенных
Наций (янв.-мар.16)
Организация Объединенных Наций, Совет Безопасности, S/2016/459, 19май16 [RUS]
- Informe del Secretario General sobre la Misión de Administración Provisional de las Naciones Unidas en Kosovo (ene.-abr.16)
Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas, S/2016/407, 29abr16
- Report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (Jan.-Apr.16)
United Nations Security Council, S/2016/407, 29Apr16 [ENG]
- Rapport du Secrétaire général sur la Mission d'administration intérimaire des Nations Unies au Kosovo (jan.-avr.16)
Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies, S/2016/407, 29avr16 [FRA]
- Доклад Генерального секретаря о Миссии Организации Объединенных Наций по
делам временной администрации в Косово (янв.-апр.16)
Организация Объединенных Наций, Совет Безопасности, S/2016/407, 29апр16 [RUS]
- Kosovo Serb Leader Ivanovic Jailed for War Crimes
By Behar Mustafa, BIRN, Balkan Transitional Justicia, Mitrovica, 21Jan16 [ENG]
- Kosovo Constitutional Court Ex-President Indicted for Fraud
By Valerie Hopkins, Balkan Insight, Birn, Pristina, 13Jan16 [ENG]
- Kosovo mess: Made in the EU
By Jeton Zulfaj, Euobserver, Lund, Swe, 11Jan16 [ENG]
- Un tribunal pour crimes de guerre au Kosovo ouvrira � La Haye
Sputnik News, Moscou, 15jan16 [FRA]
- Les terroristes revenus de guerre sont une bombe � retardement
Sputnik News, Moscou, 01déc15 [FRA]
- Kosovo UNESCO vote: Another failure of US diplomacy
By Lyuba Lulko, Pravda, Moscow, 10Nov15 [ENG]
- Почему Косово не приняли в ЮНЕСКО
Любовь Люлько, Правда.Ру, Москва, 10ноя15 [RUS]
- Kosovo no logra entrar en la Unesco como Estado miembro
El Mundo, Efe, Madrid, 09nov15
- Informe del Secretario General sobre la Misión de Administración Provisional de las Naciones Unidas en Kosovo (16jul.-15oct.15)
Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas, S/2015/833, 03nov15
- Report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (16Jul.-15Oct.15)
United Nations Security Council, S/2015/833, 03Nov15 [ENG]
- Rapport du Secrétaire général sur la Mission d'administration intérimaire des Nations Unies au Kosovo (16juil.-15oct.15)
Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies, S/2015/833, 03nov15 [FRA]
- Доклад Генерального секретаря о МиссииОрганизации Объединенных Нацийпо
делам временной администрации в Косово (июля-октября 2015 года)
Организация Объединенных Наций, Совет Безопасности, S/2015/833, 03ноя15 [RUS]
- Evacuan Parlamento kosovar por gas lacrimógeno lanzado por oposición
Prensa Latina, Pristina, 15oct15
- Informe del Secretario General sobre la Misión de Administración Provisional de las Naciones Unidas en Kosovo (16abr-15jul15)
Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas, S/2015/579, 30jul15
- Report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (16Apr-15Jul15)
United Nations Security Council, S/2015/579, 30Jul15 [ENG]
- Rapport du Secrétaire général sur la Mission d'administration intérimaire des Nations Unies au Kosovo (16avr-15juil15)
Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies, S/2015/579, 30juil15 [FRA]
- Informe del Secretario General sobre la Misión de Administración Provisional de las Naciones Unidas en Kosovo (16ene-15abr15)
Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas, S/2015/303, 27abr15
- Report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (16Jan-15Apr15)
United Nations Security Council, S/2015/303, 27Apr15 [ENG]
- Rapport du Secrétaire général sur la Mission d'administration intérimaire des Nations Unies au Kosovo (16jan-15avr15)
Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies, S/2015/303, 27avr15 [FRA]
- Exode massif du Kosovo vers l'UE sur fond de pauvreté
Sputnik News, Moscou, 18fév15 [FRA]
- Dramatic surge in Kosovars crossing illegally into EU
By Fatos Bytyci and Krisztina Than, Reuters, Pristina and Budapest, 04Feb15 [ENG]
- NATO Aggression on FRY-15 Years Later
By Marina Ragush, Strategic Culture Foundation, Moscow, 24Mar14 [ENG]
- Remembrance
By Nenad Blagojevic, Strategic Culture Foundation, Moscow, 24Mar14 [ENG]
- El Gobierno de Kosovo ordena crear un Ejército
Ria Novosti, Belgrado, 05mar14
- War crime accused takes the oath in Kosovo
Xinhua, Pristia, 03Jan14 [ENG]
- Kosovo War Crimes Suspect To Become Mayor
By Edona Peci, BIRN, Balkan Transitional Justicia, 20Dec13 [ENG]
- Ashton exige castigar a los asesinos de un miembro de la misión de la UE en Kosovo
Ria Novosti, Bruselas, 19sep13
- European Union Officer Is Killed in Kosovo
By Dan Bilefsky, The New York Times, 19Sep13 [ENG]
- Un Lituanien membre de la mission de l'UE tué par balles
El Watan, Afp, Alger, 19sep13 [FRA/FRE]
- La Serbie et le Kosovo sur le point de clore le dernier conflit des Balkans
El Watan, Afp, Algers, 20avr13 [FRA/FRE]
- UN chief hails Serbia-Kosovo accord
Xinhua, United Nations, 19Apr13 [ENG]
- La Iglesia Ortodoxa Rusa censura la política de desplazamiento de los serbios de Kosovo
Ria Novosti, Moscú, 10dic12
- Jean-Charles Gardetto's Report to the Council of Europe's Parliamentary Assembly on Witness Protection and Support at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia.
Parliamentary Assembly, Council of Europe, provisional version, 12Dec10 [ENG]
- Former Kosovo "Freedom Fighters" charged with war crimes.
Centre for Research on Globalization, 07Jan11 [ENG]
- Council of Europe: Witnesses in Kosovo Risk their Lives.
B92, Strasbourg, 05Jan11 [ENG]
- Holbrooke or Milosevic: Who is the Greater Murderer?
Diana Johnstone, CounterPunch, 15Dec10
- Court's Kosovo ruling could resonate around globe
By Patrick Worsnip, Reuters, United Nations, 22Jul10 [ENG]
- Kosovo independence declaration deemed legal
By Adam Tanner and Reed Stevenson, Reuters, The Hague, 22Jul10 [ENG]
- Serbia defiant on Kosovo ruling, opposition critical
By Ivana Sekularac, Reuters, Belgrade, 22Jul10 [ENG]
- Analysis: Serbia suffers major blow in world court ruling
By Adam Tanner and Reed Stevenson, Reuters, The Hague, 22Jul10 [ENG]
- Russia: ruling won't make Kosovo independence legal
By Conor Humphries, Reuters, Moscow, 22Jul10 [ENG]
- Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice: the Independence
of Kosovo Occured in Accordance with International Law.
International Court of Justice, 22Jul10 [ENG]
- International Court of Justice: Declaration of Judge Simma in the Advisory Opinion Regarding the Independence of Kosovo.
International Court of Justice, 22Jul10 [ENG]
- International Court of Justice: Declaration of Vice-President Tomka in the Advisory Opinion Regarding the Independence of Kosovo.
International Court of Justice, 22Jul10 [ENG]
- International Court of Justice: Judge Bennouna's Dissent to the Advisory Opinion Regarding the Independence of Kosovo.
International Court of Justice, 22Jul10 [ENG]
- International Court of Justice: Judge Koroma's Dissent to the Advisory Opinion Regarding the Independence of Kosovo.
International Court of Justice, 22Jul10 [ENG]
- International Court of Justice: Judge Skotnikov's Dissent to the Advisory Opinion Regarding the Independence of Kosovo.
International Court of Justice, 22Jul10 [ENG]
- International Court of Justice: Judge Cançado Trindade's Separate Opinion to the Advisory Opinion Regarding the Independence of Kosovo.
International Court of Justice, 22Jul10 [ENG]
- International Court of Justice: Judge Keith's Separate Opinion to the Advisory Opinion Regarding the Independence of Kosovo.
International Court of Justice, 22Jul10 [ENG]
- International Court of Justice: Judge Sepúlveda-Amor's Separate Opinion to the Advisory Opinion Regarding the Independence of Kosovo.
International Court of Justice, 22Jul10 [ENG]
- International Court of Justice: Judge Yusuf's Separate Opinion to the Advisory Opinion Regarding the Independence of Kosovo.
International Court of Justice, 22Jul10 [ENG]
- Kosovo: The US and the EU support a Political Process linked to Organized Crime.
Michel Chossudovsky, Centre for Research on Globalization, 12Feb10 [ENG]
- EE UU choca con España y Rusia en el Tribunal de la ONU por la independencia de Kosovo.
El País, Madrid, 08dic09
- Parte de Kosovo quiere seguir en Serbia y amenaza con otra ruptura.
Clarín, Bs As, Arg, 23feb08
- "Han creado desolación y lo han llamado paz".
El País, Madrid, Esp, 20feb08
- El dilema kosovar de Moratinos.
El Confidencial, Madrid, Esp, 20feb08
- Canada and Kosovo.
James Bissett, Ottawa Citizen, 19Feb08 [ENG]
- EU moves closer towards unity on Kosovo.
Euobserver, Brussels, 11dic07 [ENG] [ENG]
- La flota de guerra rusa vuelve al Mediterráneo.
La Nación, Bs As, Arg, 08dic07
- Moscú y la Alianza Atlántica se enfrentaron con dureza por el futuro de Kosovo.
Agencias AFP y DPA en La Nación, Bs As, Arg, 08dic07
- Muchas diferencias y poca coincidencia en diálogo Rusia-OTAN.
Prensa Latina, Moscú, 07dic07
- Serbia se prepara tras colapso de conversaciones.
IPS, Belgrado, Ser, 29nov07
- UN probes Kosovo police for bomb attack.
Reuters, Pristina, 01Oct07 [ENG]
- Serb house destroyed in fire.
Tanjug News Agency, 01Oct07 [ENG]
- Valley Albanians back Ahtisaari plan.
Beta News Agency, Presevo, 30Sep07 [ENG]
- Kosovo agreement impossible, says Thaci.
Beta News Agency, Pristina, 30Sep07 [ENG]
- Putin: no deadline should be set for Kosovo settlement.
Xinhua News Agency, Moscow, 29Sep07 [ENG]
- Putin on Kosovo: Timeframes unviable.
B92, Moscow, 29Sep07 [ENG]
- Lavrov wants end of "prejudged outcome" approach.
Tanjug News Agency, B92, New York, 28Sep07 [ENG]
- Serbian President warns against "unforeseeable consequences" of Kosovo independence.
PanArmenian.net, Serbia, 28Sep07 [ENG]
- Zapatero hopes unilateral steps will be avoided in Kosovo settlement.
Itar Tass, Sochi, 28Sep07 [ENG]
- The families of Kosovo victims were Thursday protesting the acquittal at the Hague of two ex-KLA members.
Tanjug News Agency B92, Belgrade, 28Sep07 [ENG]
- Kosovo independence unacceptable, Tadi� tells UN
Beta News Agency, Tanjug News Agency, B92, New York, 27Sep07 [ENG]
- Kosovo Problem Can Be Solved Under International Law Only
Voice of Russia, Moscow, 27Sep07 [ENG]
- Serbian President warns against "unforeseeable consequences" of Kosovo independence.
UN Press, New York, 27Sep07 [ENG]
- "Serbia won't take independence on chin" Ex-Belgrade negotiating team member Leon Kojen says Serbia must make it clear they won't "take it on the chin."
Tanjug News Agency, Belgrade, 26Sep07 [ENG]
- Koštunica: Unilateral independence: political crime.
Xinhua News Agency, Tirana, 26Sep07 [ENG]
- Unilateral proclamation of Kosovo independence would be political underground.
Government of Serbia, Belgrade, 26Sep07 [ENG]
- The Us Laying a Mine For The Talks On Kosovo.
Voice of Russia, 25Sep07 [ENG]
- The Coming Independence of Kosovo and the Steps Russia Should Take.
Strategic Cultural Foundation, Russia, 24Sep07 [ENG]
- U.S. and EU are ready to recognize Kosovo independence.
International Herald Tribune, Berlin, 24Sep07 [ENG]
- How important is Kosovo independence to the West?
Euobserver, Brussels, 13Sep07 [ENG]
- Kosovo future fuels serious EU divisions.
Euobserver, Viana do Castelo, Por,
10Sep07 [ENG]
- Serbian PM's adviser says Ahtisaari's plan would make Kosovo NATO state.
Radio B92 text website, Belgrade, by way of BBC Monitoring European, 09Aug07 [ENG]
- Ban Ki-moon endorses new initiative on determining Kosovo's future status.
UN Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo, News Coverage, 01Aug07 [ENG]
- Rusia rechaza participar en elaboración de resolución sobre Kosovo.
Prensa Latina, Moscú, 17jul07
- US and EU revise Kosovo resolution.
Euobserver, Brussels, 12Jul07 [ESL/SPA] [ENG]
- Russia and Serbia reject new Kosovo resolution.
Euobserver, Brussels, 21jun07 [ENG]
- Rusia respalda a Serbia en tema de Kosovo
Prensa Latina, Moscú, 07jun07
- Full text of US and EU draft UN resolution on Kosovo.
May07 [ENG]
- EU splinter group emerges on Kosovo.
Euobserver, Bremen, 01abr07 [ENG]
- Serbia and Russia react differently to Kosovo independence plan.
Euobserver, Brussels, Bel, 27mar07 [ENG]
- Tres vehículos de la ONU dañados en una explosión en Pristina.
La Vanguardia, Barcelona, Esp, 20feb07
- El Parlamento serbio rechaza por amplia mayoría el Plan de la ONU para Kosovo.
La Vanguardia, Barcelona, Esp, 15feb07
- Scores injured in Kosovo clashes.
One News by Reuters, New Zeland, 11Feb07 [ENG]
- Romanian gendarmes injured in Pristina.
Xinhua News Agency, Pristina, 11Feb07 [ENG]
- Some hundreds of Serbs protested in Vienna against Kosovo's independence
Focus Information Agency, Vienna, 11Feb07 [ENG]
- Two participants in rally against UN Kosovo plan die of injures.
Focus News Agency by AP, Bulgaria, 11Feb07 [ENG]
- Two dead following Pristina clashes.
B92, Beta, Reuters, AP, Pristina, 11Feb07 [ENG]
- Putin: Russia will only support Kosovo solution accepted by Serbs and ethnic Albanians.
Herald Tribune by AP, Munich, Deu, 10Feb07 [ENG]
- Putin: Don't impose solutions.
B92 Agency, Munich, 10Feb07 [ENG]
- Russia warns of 'chain reaction separatism's
Turkish Daily News, Seville, 10Feb07 [ENG]
- Police disrupted farmer’s strike last night, removing road barriers.
B92 Agency, Šabac, 09Feb07 [ENG]
- 10,000 Kosovo Serbs Protest U.N. Plan.
Playfuls.com by UPI, Kosovo, 09Feb07 [ENG]
- Slovak president criticizes UN plan for Kosovo.
Herald Tribune, Bratislava, Slovakia, 09Feb07 [ENG]
- Kosovo independence will open up Pandora's box - Russia's Ivanov.
Novosti Russian News, Seville, 09Feb07 [ENG]
- Russia raises prospect of UN veto on Kosovo.
Euobserver, Brussels, 09Feb07 [ENG]
- Kosovo precedent takes shape as USA rules out return to the past.
The Tiraspol Times, Sevilla, 09Feb07 [ENG]
- The Kosovo Test of Russian Diplomacy.
Strategic Cultural Foundation, Moscow, Russia, 09Feb07 [ENG]
- Critic of Serbia reform pace trades politics for academia.
The Boston Sunday Globe, 21Jan07 [ENG]
- EU foreign ministers to discuss future of Kosovo after key Serbian elections.
The Associated Press, Brussels, Bel, 21Jan07 [ENG]
- Serbs fear losing soul of their nation in Kosovo.
Daily Telegraph, London, 20Jan07 [ENG]
- The world is increasingly aware of Russia’s position on the problem of Kosovo.
Voice of Russia, Moscow, 20Jan07 [ENG]
- Serbian election highlights the west's fears about Russia.
Financial Times, London, 19Jan07 [ENG]
- Brussels expects a head-on clash with Russia over Kosovo status.
Beta, Serbia, 18Jan07 [ENG]
- NATO's Top Commander Visits Troops In Kosovo.
Associated Press, Pristina, Serbia, 17Jan07 [ENG]
- Tiraspol considers Chisinau searches only for pretext to replace russian peacekeepers by international Forces.
InfoTag, Moldova, 16Jan07 [ENG]
- UN warns on Kosovo delays, Moscow sees blackmail.
Reuters, UN, 14Dec06 [ENG]
- Political Blackmail is Unacceptable: Russia's UN Representative Churkin.
Focus News Agency, Skopje, 14Dec06 [ENG]
- Kosovo Endangers Territorial Integrity of Macedonia, Macedonian Agents Think.
Focus News Agency, Skopje, 14Dec06 [ENG]
- Succeeding in Kosovo.
By Agim Ceku, the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Washington Post, 12Dec06 [ENG]
- Serbian prime minister lashes out at U.N. envoy for Kosovo talks.
Herald Tribune, Belgrade, Serbia, 10Dec06 [ENG]
- Delegation headed by U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense visits
Azeri Press Agency, Azerbaijan, 09Dec06 [ENG]
- Kosovo president elected head of ruling party, replacing late pacifist leader Rugova.
Associated Press, Pristina, 09Dec06 [ENG]
- Delegation headed by U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense visits
Azeri Press Agency, Azerbaijan, 09Dec06 [ENG]
- Cabinet behind "masks" to destabilize Kosovo.
German Press Agency DPA, Pristina, 08Dec06 [ENG]
- Kosovo resolution may induce 'chain reaction' - FM official.
Russian Information Agency - Novosti, Moscow, 08Dec06 [ENG]
- Russia's Possible Veto Guarantee for Preservation of Kosovo: Sanda
Focus News Agency, Belgrade, 07Dec06 [ENG]
- Serbian minister accuses West of double standards
Today.az, Azerbaijan, 06Dec06 [ENG]
- Russia Will Veto Kosovo Solution Unless Acceptable for Both Sides.
MosNews, Moscow, 05Dec06 [ENG]
- Russia will use veto to stop Kosovo independence: ambassador.
Deutsche Presse-Agentur, Belgrade, 04Dec06 [ENG]
- Russia warns: compromise or veto on Kosovo status decision.
MakFax, Macedonia, 04Dec06 [ENG]
- Major companies interested in Kosovo's mines.
Economic Initiative For Kosova, Austria, 04Dec06 [ENG]
- U.N. to decide province's future national status.
Stars and Stripes, European Edition, 01Dec06 [ENG]
- State Duma: Unilateral Recognition Of Kosovo Extremely Dangerous.
Voice of Russia, Moscow, 01Dec06 [ENG]
- Russian MP cautions Kosovo against unilateral secession from Serbia.
Russian News & Information Agency - Novosti, Moscow, 30Nov06 [ENG]
- Kosovo: Ceku Gets Cold Shoulder in Moscow Over Independence.
ADN Kronos International, Moscow, 30Nov06 [ENG]
- Protestors hurl stones at UN building in Pristina.
MakFax, Macedonia, Pristina, 28Nov06 [ENG]
- U.N. in Kosovo says 'credible threats' against staff.
Reuters, Pristina, Serbia, 27Nov06 [ENG]
- The Romanian ambassador to Serbia says Kosovo�s independence would destabilize the region.
Beta, Serbia, 26Nov06 [ENG]
- Independence for Kosovo Will Open the Floodgate for all Unrecognized Provinces and Regions.
Voice of Russia, 24Nov06 [ENG]
- Kosovo: Premier Welcomes Italian Support, Serbs Angry.
ADN Kronos International, Pristina, 22Nov06 [ENG]
- Bosnia Needs West Until Kosovo Settled: Holbrooke.
Reuters, Sarajevo, 22Nov06 [ENG]
- Kosovo can be Separated from Serbia only by Means of Force.
Voice of Russia, 22Nov06 [ENG]
- NATO Decision on Kosovo Army Risks Future Extremism.
Balkanalysis.com Security & Intelligence Brief 16, 21Nov06 [ENG]
- Romanian President Traian Basescu: Recognition of Kosovo’s independence can be precedent in the solution of other frozen conflicts.
Azeri Press Information Agency, 21nov06 [ENG]
- Serbian PM warns NATO against recognizing Kosovo.
Xinhua News Agency, Serbio 20Nov06 [ENG]
- Extremist Student Leader Arrested.
ADN Kronos International, Pristina, 20Nov06 [ENG]
- New Report Calls for Creation of Defense Force for Kosovo.
Voice of America News, Washington, 20Nov06 [ENG]
- UNMIK out of Kosovo by next year, Ruecker predicts S. Papadopoulou.
Athens News Agency, Pristina, 19Nov06 [ENG]
- U.S. denies similarity between S.Ossetia, Abkhazia and Kosovo.
Russian Information
Agency, Novosti, Tbilsi, 17Nov06 [ENG]
- Kosovo Serbs: Humanitarian catastrophe.
Beta, Kosovska mitrovica, 19Nov06 [ENG]
- Large quantity of weapons seized in Tetovo.
MakFax, Skopje, 17Nov06 [ENG]
- Self-styled CIS republics have sovereignty rights.
Voice of Russia, Moscow, 17Nov06 [ENG]
- Kosovo sparks Euro violence.
Townsville Bulletin, Aus, by from correspondents in Skopje, Macedonia, 17Nov06 [ENG]
- Thaci says independence decision already made.
MakFax, Washington, 17Nov06 [ENG]
- Kostunica: Independence is violence.
Beta, Belgrade, Serbia, 17Nov06 [ENG]
- Regime Rotation in America.
Michel Chossudovsky, Centre for Research on Globalization, 22Oct03 [ENG]
- War on terrorism skipped the KLA.
Michel Chossudovsky, Centre for Research on Globalization, 13Nov01 [ENG]
- The United Nations Appoints an Alleged War Criminal in Kosovo.
Michel Chossudovsky, Centre for Research on Globalization, 10Jun00 [ENG]
- Letter to the Honourable Madam Justice Louise Arbour Denouncing the NATO Intervention in Kosovo.
CounterPunch, 26Jul99 [ENG]
- NATO's War of Aggression in Yugoslavia: Who are the War Criminals?.
Michel Chossudovsky, Centre for Research on Globalization, 15May99 [ENG]
- Kosovo "Freedom Fighters" Financed by Organised Crime.
Michel Chossudovsky, Centre for Research on Globalization, 10Apr99 [ENG]
- U.S. Senate Republican Policy Committee Report Questioning the U.S. Government's Alliance with the KLA, a Terrorist Group Involved in Organised Crime.
Larry E. Craig, U.S. Senate Republican Policy Committee, 31Mar99 [ENG]
Statement on the Conflict of Kosovo and Nato's Intervention
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