Duterte retira a Filipinas de la Corte Penal Internacional La Vanguardia, Efe, Barcelona, 14mar18
Tras denuncias por sus cuentas offshore, Moreno Ocampo ya no investigar� para la OEA El Tribuno, Salta, 15oct17
Angelina Jolie y otras figuras de la 'jet set': el gabinete secreto de Ocampo Diario El Mundo, Red Europea de investigaci�n, Madrid, 06oct17
La Corte Penal Internacional investigar� las acusaciones contra Luis Moreno Ocampo Infobae, Bs As, 05oct17
South Africa revokes ICC withdrawal Mail & Guardian, Johannesburg, 08Mar17 [ENG]
El Tribunal Superior de Pretoria anul� la retirada de la CPI por falta de tr�mite parlamentario T�lam, Bs As, 22feb17
South African judge blocks attempt to withdraw from ICC By Jason Burke, The Guardian, Johannesburg, 22Feb17 [ENG]
Court Blocks South Africa's Withdrawal From International Criminal Court By Merrit Kennedy, National Public Radio, Washington D.C., 22Feb17 [ENG]
Judgment of the High Court of South Africa ruling that withdrawal process from the Rome Statute of the ICC without prior parliamentary approval is unconstitutional and invalid High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Division, Case No. 83145/2016, Pretoria, 22Feb17 [ENG]
Gambia to rejoin Commonwealth, ICC. Deutsche Welle, Germany, 14Feb17 [ENG]
'It was as if I had peered into hell': the man who brought the Nazi death squads to justice By Nadia Khomami, The Guardian, London, 07Feb17 [ENG]
Informe del Grupo de Trabajo Oficioso sobre los Tribunales Internacionales correspondiente a 2016 Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas, S/2016/1110, 29dic16
Report of the Informal Working Group on International Tribunals for 2016 United Nations Security Council, S/2016/1110, 29Dec16 [ENG]
Rapport du Groupe de travail informel sur les tribunaux internationaux pour 2016 Conseil de s�curit� des Nations Unies, S/2016/1110, 29d�c16 [FRA]
Доклад Неофициальной рабочей группы по международным трибуналам за 2016 год Совет Безопасности, Организация Объединенных Наций, S/2016/1110, 29дек16 [RUS]
Kremlin comments on Russia's decision not to ratify International Criminal Court Statute Itar Tass, Moscow, 16Nov16 [ENG]
Lawmaker says Russia's refusal to ratify ICC Rome Statute arises from its biased decisions Itar Tass, Moscow, 16Nov16 [ENG]
South Africa parliament backs govt on withdrawal from 'biased' ICC By Abdur Rahman Alfa Shaban, Africanews, Cape Town, South Africa, 03Nov16 [ENG]
ICC Withdrawal Welcomed and Process with Parliament - Committee Mr Sibongile Maputi, Parliamentary Communication Services, Parliament of the Republic of South Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, 03Nov16 [ENG]
Gambia is the latest African country deciding to pull out of International Criminal Court By Kevin Sieff, Nairobi, The Washington Post, 26Oct16 [ENG]
SA begins process to withdraw from International Criminal Court By Michelle Nichols, Mail&Guardian, Johannesburg, South Africa, 21oct16 [ENG]
South Africa says it will quit the International Criminal Court By Kevin Sieff and Krista Mahr, Nairobi and Johannesburg, The Washington Post, 21Oct16 [ENG]
South Africa Announces Withdrawal From International Criminal Court By Camila Domonoske, The Two Way, NPR, Us, 21Oct16 [ENG]
Carta del Presidente del Mecanismo Residual Internacional de los Tribunales Penales sobre la detenci�n del juez turco Aydin Sefa Akay Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas, S/2016/841, 05oct16
Letter from the President of the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals, T. Meron, regarding the detention of Turkish Judge Aydin Sefa Akay United Nations Security Council, S/2016/841, 05Oct16 [ENG]
Lettre du pr�sident du M�canisme international appel� � exercer les fonctions r�siduelles des tribunaux p�naux, Theodor Meron, au sujet de la d�tention du juge turc Aydin Sefa Akay Conseil de s�curit� des Nations Unies, S/2016/841, 05oct16 [FRA]
Письмо Председателя Международного остаточного механизма для уголовных
трибуналов от 5 октября 2016 года на имя Председателя Совета Безопасности Совет Безопасности, Организация Объединенных Наций, S/2016/841, 05окт16 [RUS]
Decisi�n de la CPI sobre el incumplimiento de la Rep�blica de Djibouti de la solicitud de detenci�n y entrega a la Corte de Omar Al-Bashir Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas, S/2016/716, 16ago16
Decision by the ICC on the non-compliance by the Republic of Djibouti with the request to arrest and surrender Omar Al-Bashir United Nations Security Council, S/2016/716, 16Aug16 [ENG]
D�cision de la CPI prenant acte de la non-ex�cution par la R�publique de Djibouti de la demande d'arrestation et de remise d'Omar Al Bashir Conseil de s�curit� des Nations Unies, S/2016/716, 16aoû16 [FRA]
Письмо Генерального секретаря от 15 августа 2016 года на имя Председателя Совета
Безопасности Совет Безопасности, Организация Объединенных Наций, S/2016/716, 16авг16 [RUS]
Carta del Secretario General volviendo a nombrar a los 25 magistrados del Mecanismo Residual Internacional de los Tribunales Penales Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas, S/2016/574, 27jun16
Letter from the Secretary-General reappointing the 25 judges of the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals United Nations Security Council, S/2016/574, 27Jun16 [ENG]
Lettre du Secr�taire g�n�ral reconduisant les 25 juges du M�canisme international appel� � exercer les fonctions r�siduelles des tribunaux p�naux Conseil de s�curit� des Nations Unies, S/2016/574, 27juin16 [FRA]
Письмо Генерального секретаря от 24 июня 2016 года на имя Председателя Совета
Безопасности Совет Безопасности, Организация Объединенных Наций, S/2016/574, 27июн16 [RUS]
Congolese Politician, Jean-Pierre Bemba, Sentenced to 18 Years for War Crimes By Marlise Simons, International New York Times, Paris, 21Jun16 [ENG]
Lista de magistrados del Mecanismo Residual Internacional de los Tribunales Penales a 27 de mayo de 2016 Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas, S/2016/526, 09jun16
Roster of judges of the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals as at 27 May 2016 United Nations Security Council, S/2016/526, 09Jun16 [ENG]
Juges figurant sur la liste de r�serve du M�canisme international appel� � exercer les fonctions r�siduelles des tribunaux p�naux, au 27 mai 2016 Conseil de s�curit� des Nations Unies, S/2016/526, 09juin16 [FRA]
Реестр судей Международного остаточного механизма для уголовных трибуналов по
состоянию на 27 мая 2016 года Совет Безопасности, Организация Объединенных Наций, S/2016/526, 09июн16 [RUS]
Hiss�ne Habr�, Ex-President of Chad, Is Convicted of War Crimes By Dionne Searcey, International New York Times, Dakar, Sen, 30May16 [ENG]
Shared Mission to Pardon U.S. Soldiers Who Killed Civilians By Dave Philipps, The New York Times, Kernersville, N.C., 19May16 [ENG]
Octavo informe de evaluaciones del Presidente y el Fiscal del Mecanismo Residual Internacional de los Tribunales Penales Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas, S/2016/453, 17may16
Eighth report of the President and of the Prosecutor of the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals United Nations Security Council, S/2016/453, 17May16 [ENG]
Huiti�me rapport du Pr�sident et du Procureur du M�canisme international appel� � exercer les fonctions r�siduelles des tribunaux p�naux Conseil de s�curit� des Nations Unies, S/2016/453, 17mai16 [FRA]
Письмо Председателя Международного остаточного механизма для уголовных
трибуналов от 17 мая 2016 года на имя Председателя Совета Безопасности Совет Безопасности, Организация Объединенных Наций, S/2016/453, 17май16 [RUS]
Carta del Secretario General anunciando el nombramiento del Magistrado Seymour Panton como magistrado del Mecanismo Residual Internacional de los Tribunales Penales Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas, S/2016/376, 25abr16
Letter from the UN Secretary-General announcing the appointment of Justice Seymour Panton as a judge of the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals United Nations Security Council, S/2016/376, 25Apr16 [ENG]
Lettre du Secr�taire g�n�ral annon�ant la nomination du juge Seymour Panton au sein du M�canisme international appel� � exercer les fonctions r�siduelles des tribunaux p�naux Conseil de s�curit� des Nations Unies, S/2016/376, 25avr16 [FRA]
Письмо Генерального секретаря от 20 апреля 2016 года на имя Председателя Совета
Безопасности Совет Безопасности, Организация Объединенных Наций, S/2016/376, 25апр16 [RUS]
Resoluci�n 2269 (2016) nombrando al Sr. Serge Brammertz Fiscal del Mecanismo Residual Internacional de los Tribunales Penales Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas, S/RES/2269 (2016), 29feb16
Resolution 2269 (2016) appointing Mr. Serge Brammertz as Prosecutor of the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals United Nations Security Council, S/RES/2269 (2016), 29Feb16 [ENG]
R�solution 2269 (2016) nommant M. Serge Brammertz Procureur du M�canisme international charg� d'exercer les fonctions r�siduelles des tribunaux p�naux Conseil de s�curit� des Nations Unies, S/RES/2269 (2016), 29f�v16 [FRA]
Резолюция 2269 (2016) Совет Безопасности, Организация Объединенных Наций, S/RES/2269 (2016), 29фев16 [RUS]
Informe del Grupo de Trabajo Oficioso sobre los Tribunales Internacionales correspondiente a 2015 Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas, S/2015/1053, 31dic15
Report of the Informal Working Group on International Tribunals for 2015 United Nations Security Council, S/2015/1053, 31Dec15 [ENG]
Rapport du Groupe de travail informel sur les tribunaux internationaux pour 2015 Conseil de s�curit� des Nations Unies, S/2015/1053, 31d�c15 [FRA]
Доклад Неофициальной рабочей группы по международным трибуналам за 2015 год Совет Безопасности, Организация Объединенных Наций, S/2015/1053, 31дек15 [RUS]
UN Security Council marks closure of International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda Xinhua, United Nations, 31Dec15 [ENG]
Unavoidable Punishment: Nuremberg Trials Seventieth Anniversary By Yuriy Rubtsov, Strategic Culture Foundation, Moscow, 23Nov15 [ENG]
From Nuremberg to Kiev: Washington's Whitewashing of Nazism By Professor Arthur Noble, Pravda, Moscow, 21Nov15 [ENG]
Russia to create Eurasian Court against European Court of Human Rights Pravda, Moscow, 31Jul15 [ENG]
ICC deplores lack of state cooperation in pursuit of suspects Xinhua, Dakar, 22Jul15 [ENG]
ICC: China, US Differ on Africa By He Wenping, China US Focus, Hong Kong, 20Jul15 [ENG]
Carta del Secretario General sobre la Junta de Investigaci�n encargada de examinar los incidentes que afectaron al personal de las Naciones Unidas durante el �ltimo conflicto en la Franja de Gaza Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas, S/2015/286, 27abr15
Letter from the Secretary-General on the board of inquiry established to investigate incidents involving UN personnel that occured during the last conflict in the Gaza Strip United Nations Security Council, S/2015/286, 27Apr15 [ENG]
Lettre du Secr�taire g�n�ral sur la commission charg�e d'enqu�ter sur des faits concernant des membres du personnel des Nations Unies survenus lors du dernier conflit dans la bande de Gaza Conseil de s�curit� des Nations Unies, S/2015/286, 27avr15 [FRA]
International Law and Agreements: Their Effect upon U.S. Law By Michael John Garcia, Congressional Research Service, Washington D.C., 18Feb15 [ENG]
U.N. court: Serbia did not commit genocide in Croatia in early 1990s Reuters, The Hague, 03Feb15 [ENG]
U.N.'s highest court to rule on Serb, Croat genocide cases By Thomas Escritt, Reuters, The Hague, 03Feb15 [ENG]
Russia's pullout from Council of Europe to bury European Court for Human Rights Pravda, Moscow, 29Jan15 [ENG]
EEUU, en contra de que Palestina se una a la Corte Penal Internacional Sputnik News, Mosc�, 13ene15
La Palestine admise � la Cour p�nale internationale Ria Novosti, Moscou, 08jan15 [FRA]
Isra�l ne permettra pas que ses soldats soient tra�n�s devant la CPI (Netanyahu) Ria Novosti, Moscou, 04jan15 [FRA]
Demanda palestina ante la CPI marca comienzo del a�o Por Waldo Mendiluza, Prensa Latina, Naciones Unidas, 03ene15
Kenya 2014: El a�o en que dejaron de enjuiciar al presidente Por Julio Morej�n, Jefe de la Redacci�n de �frica y Medio Oriente, Prensa Latina, La Habana, 19dic14
Kenya's Kenyatta becomes first president to appear at global court By Thomas Escritt, Reuters, The Hague, 08Oct14 [ENG]
Tribunal Internacional de la ONU confirma veredicto de dos culpables de genocidio Ria Novosti, Mosc�, 29sep14
International court to decide future of Kenyan president trial By Thomas Escritt, Reuters, Amsterdam, 04Feb14 [ENG]
'Time for ICC to investigate British troops' abuses in Iraq' RT Novosti, Moscow, 14Jan14 [ENG]
Devastating dossier on 'abuse' by UK forces in Iraq goes to International Criminal Court By Johathan Owen, The Independent, London, 12Jan14 [ENG]
How Ex-Yugoslav States Funded War Crimes Defendants By Sase Dimovski, Denis Dzidic, Josip Ivanovic, Edona Peci, Marija Ristic, Belgrade, Pristina, Sarajevo, Skopje, Zagreb, Balkan Insight, 23Dec13 [ENG]
International prosecutor asks for postponement of Kenyan president's trial Reuters, Amsterdam, 19Dec13 [ENG]
Denying Armenian 'genocide' is no crime: European court Reuters, Strasboug, Fra, 17Dec13 [ENG]
Report on Preliminary Examination Activities 2013 International Criminal Court, The Office of the Prosecutor, The Hague, Nov13 [ENG]
Le pr�sident Kenyatta autoris� � ne pas assister � toutes les audiences de son proc�s El Moudjahid, Alger, 19oct13 [FRA/FRE]
Uni�n Africana demanda aplazamiento de juicio contra l�deres kenianos Prensa Latina, Addis Abeba, 13oct13
African leaders tell ICC not to try heads of state Agence France Presse, Addis Ababa, 12Oct13 [ENG]
Kenya denies urging African nations to quit Hague court Reuters, Nairobi, 09Oct13 [ENG]
Theodor Meron, un nouveau mandat pour l'homme qui symbolise la faillite de la justice internationale Par Par Mirha Dedic, Slobodna Bosna, Le Courier des Balkans, 03oct13 [FRA/FRE]
Report of the International Court of Justice - 1 August 2012-31 July 2013 United Nations General Assembly, A/68/4, Official Records, Sixty-eighth Session, Suppl. N� 4, New York, 01Aug13
International Criminal Court is 'hunting' Africans The Telegraph, London, 27May13 [ENG]
CPI examina abordaje israel� a flotilla turca Por Andrea Daskal, Israel en l�nea, Tel Aviv, 14may13
U.S., others boycott Serbian politician's "inflammatory" U.N. session By Louis Charbonneau, Reuters, United Nations, 10Apr13 [ENG]
Montenegrin jailed for 45 years over Sarajevo killings By Maja Zuvela, Reuters, Sarajevo, 29Mar13 [ENG]
Congolese warlord headed for war crimes court By Jenny Clover, Reuters, Kigali, 22Mar13 [ENG]
International court's credibility in dock over failed prosecutions By Thomas Escritt, Reuters, The Hague, 19Mar13 [ENG]
Congo ICC war suspect surrenders at U.S. Embassy in Rwanda By Jenny Clover, Reuters, Kigali, 08Mar13 [ENG]
A court for the savages By Geoffrey Robertson, The Southern Times, Namibia, 20Jul12 [ENG]
Law Always Beats War By Benjamin B. Ferencz, The Wall Street Journal, January 2012 [ENG]
Yugoslavia Tribunal Faces Uncertain Legacy By Aprille Muscara, United Nations, 16Jul10 [ENG]
Nueva cooperaci�n de EE.UU. con Tribunal Penal Internacional Por Stephen Kaufman, Redactor, Departamento de Estado, Washingon, 03jun10
No selective justice for northern Uganda war crimes: ICC official Xinhua, Gulu, Uganda, 30May10 [ENG]
A Duty to Uphold the Law, Even in War By Benjamin B. Ferencz, The Washington Post, April 2010 [ENG]
ICC grants prosecutor's request to launch probe into Kenyan violence By Daniel Ooko and Wang Yanan, Xinhua, Nairobi, 31Mar10 [ENG]
Origins of the Genocide Convention Henry T. King Jr., Benjamin B. Ferencz, and Whitney R. Harris, Origins of the Genocide Convention, 40 Case W. Res. J. Int'l L. 13 (2008), pp. 22-28 [ENG]
Amenazas a la Corte Penal Internacional. Asamblea Parlamentaria del Consejo de europa, Resolución 1336 de 2003
La Asamblea
General aprueba un Proyecto de Acuerdo entre la ONU y el Gobierno de Camboya para el procesamiento de los
l�deres Khmer Rouge. UN News Centre, 13may02
El Gobierno español prepara una ley de colaboración con la Corte que elimina el acceso de las víctimas a los procesos en la Corte Penal
Internacional. Por José Antonio Alonso, vocal del CGPJ, Diario El País, Madrid,
Letter to President Clinton By Benjamin Ferencz, 11Nov00 [ENG]
Informe del Equipo Nizkor sobre el proceso de adecuación
de la legislación española al Estatuto de la Corte Penal Internacional. 5 Junio 2000
El Tribunal Penal Internacional desde el punto de vista de la política y de las fuerzas armadas Wolfhart Saul
El Régimen Jurisdiccional de la Corte Penal Internacional HRW, Abril 1999
Declaración de La Haya
La Sociedad Civil del Sur Global Apoya el Establecimiento de una Corte Penal Internacional
El TPI un avance de los derechos humanos frente al poder hegem�nico de las grandes potencias. Gregorio Dionis, 3 de septiembre de 1998
Impunidad o Justicia?
America Latina Frente al Reto Eduardo Gonzalez Cueva
De Nuremberg a La Haya: Los cr�menes de derechos humanos ante la justicia, problemas, avances y perspectivas.
Rainer Huhle