human rights

Terrorism & Anti-Terrorism

Equipo Nizkor

Go to the Specialized page on Islamic Terrorism

The "crusade" against terrorism that started on the wake of the September 11 disasters promises to be a new and severe source of human rights violations. In the past, repressive regimes have used the fight against terrorism to justify the general curtailment of civil rights and to persecute those they see as their opponents. While terrorism must be brought to an end, it must be done according to the rule of law.

In these page we hope to provide information about the issue of terrorism, anti-terrorism and what it means for human rights. Please suggest documents and links to add by e-mailing us.



International Instruments

  • Documents on Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism including International Conventions

    United States

  • El Departamento de Estado norteamericano identifica 37 organizaciones como terroristas.
    Departamento de prensa del Dpto de Estado, Washington, Usa, 29abr04
  • US Executive Order on Military Trials for People Accussed of Terrorism
    Nov. 13, 2001
  • USA Patriot Act of 2001
    Oct. 2001, the law severely restrict civil liberties in the name of fighting terrorism.


  • Estatuto Antiterrorista
    Acta de Conciliación al Proyecto de Ley Estatutaria No. 176 de 2004 Senado, 211 de 2004 Cámara, por medio de la cual se desarrolla el Acto Legislativo No. 02 DE 2003

  • Reports & Articles

  • Arrestado en Reus un marroquí relacionado con Al Qaeda y otros grupos salafistas del Norte de África.
    Estrella Digital, Madrid, Esp, 06feb07
  • Catalunya es la base europea de una filial paquistaní de Al Qaeda.
    El Períodico, Barcelona, Esp, 05feb07
  • Musharraf Blames 1979 US mission in Afghanistan for militancy in region.
    Daily Times, Pak, Brussels, 13Sep06
  • Estados Unidos y sus aliados entrenaron 30.000 muyahidines en Pakistán.
    La Vanguardia, EFE, Bruselas, 12sep06
  • Musharraf blames West for bringing in mujahedeen, extremism; optimistic on Kashmir.
    The Hindu, 12Sep06
  • Cómo lograron desbaratar el complot terrorista contra los vuelos en Londres.
    Clarin, Bs As, Arg, 14ago06
  • EEUU critica la "afinidad" de Hugo Chávez con la guerrilla colombiana.
    Caracol Radio, EFE, Bogotá, 28abr06
  • U.S. arrests key ally of Posada.
    By Oscar Corral y Jay Weaver, Miami Herald, Us, 21nov05
  • Investigan si la inteligencia de Estados Unidos secuestró a seis presuntos terroristas en territorio italiano.
    Clarin, Bs As, Arg, 03dic04
    Fichero Audio U.S. Southern Command (SouthCom) Struggles to Justify its Role in the War on Terror.
    Radio Nizkor, 12oct04 (14m 36ss)
  • Heraldo Muñoz: �Hay nexos entre la guerrilla chechena y Al Qaeda.
    La Nación, Santiago de Chile, 03sep04�
  • U.S. Southern Command (SouthCom) Struggles to Justify its Role in the War on Terror.
    Council On Hemispheric Affairs, Washington, 02Sep04
  • Informe sobre el terrorismo en América Latina.
    Oficina de prensa del Departamento de Estado de Estados Unidos, Washington, D.C. 29abril04
  • Declaración conjunta de organismos internacionales de DH sobre la necesidad de compatibilizar la lucha contra el terrorismo y los derechos humanos.
    Varias organizaciones, 05dic03
  • El Comité Interamericano Contra el Terrorismo (CICTE) de la OEA pide una acción coordinada.
    Departamento de Estado de los EE.UU., Washington, 07oct03
  • El Departamento de Estado reiteró la designación de 25 grupos como "Organizaciones Terroristas Extranjeras".
    Departamento de Estado de Estados Unidos, Wahington, 07oct03

  • International Initiatives

  • Ottawa Principles on Anti-terrorism and Human Rights.
    Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada, 16Oct06 [ENG]
  • Declaration on combating Terrorism.
    European Union Strategic objectives to combat Terrorism, Brussels, 25Mar04 [ENG]
  • The Council of Europe and Terrorism
  • United Nations Action to Counter Terrorism
  • The Americas Response to Terrorism - OAS

  • Links

  • Specialized page on Islamic Terrorism
  • Documents on Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism including International Conventions
  • US Human Rights Information
  • Instruments of Statecraft.
    U.S. Guerrilla Warfare, Counterinsurgency an Counterterroirms, 1940 - 1990 by Michael McClintock

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